Privacy Policy

The Gruppenkasse Add-on is free software. I have no interest in any data. No data will leave the google-servers through this add-on.

Data access

The add-on will only access the generated form, overview and response sheet. None of this information will be saved or logged.

Nothing else from your Google Drive will be touched

Needed Access Permissions

The following permissions are needed for the Gruppenkasse Add-on.

Script Container Ui

This is used to add the Gruppenkasse Submenu in Google Sheets.

Script Scriptapp

This is needed to be able to react to changes in the created sheets and form.


This is used to create new Sheets in a Spreadsheet and to access names and currencies lists in the created sheets to update the form.


This is needed for creating and editing Forms.


This is needed to open the created Form for updates and to delete it.

Data Saving

Following information is saved for each created cash register in the documents property storage: (see here).

  1. name of the cash register
  2. name of the overview sheet
  3. name of the response sheet
  4. id of the form

This data is only accessible by the add-on for users with access to the spreadsheet. It is only saved within the document’s storage and removed when the cash register gets deleted.